Repairs & Alterations

Repairs & Alterations Services
Need to re-rate and certify your vessel to comply with ASME’s latest edition? How about adding a nozzle to improve your operation and functionality on your vessel? PCW offers a 24/7 Emergency Response team for repairing your vessel around the clock to get your plant operational within a prompt manner.
Utilizing the R-STAMP requires several checks and balances to assure that the fabricator, AIA, and end customer are compliant to all ASME and National Board’s code requirements. At PCW, we go beyond on all vessel repairs to ensure our employees are safe when repairing the vessel and follow proper code requirements to ensure it is in safe working condition when shipped back to the field.
For more information or if you have any questions about our Repair & Alteration Capabilities, please contact us.
Repairs & Alterations Gallery


- American Welding Society (AWS)
- Certified Welding Inspector (CW) Specialists
- American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level II Radiographer
- OSHA Trained Supervisors